Monday 31 August 2015

Era of Big Screen Phones

Remember those Nokia 1310 phones, the ones which you could throw at somebody's head and there was a chance that you might end up in a court room on the charge for an attempt to murder. That phone with a 1"x2" display size was such a revolution. People still remember its durability, its features of being strong, user-friendly, and fast and just enough. Who thought, that one day that company would come near bankruptcy.

The world now, is full of smart phones, growing in size faster than the kids these days. Due to competitive market and improved pricing policies they have become so cheap, even a guy with a brain, smaller than the size of phone, has one. Stay connected on the run, they say. Track your friends, your money, your information, your work, all at the touch of your hand, they say. In reality, a big world lies in a big screen mobile is what they want to say. Change is inevitable and evolution is a necessity for sustenance. Technology is no exception to this theory. With changing times, corporation and businesses started churning out mobiles of the size of the tablet. Hence, we have today what we call as phablets, the big screen phones. Some critics put it in a way that corporations and manufacturers probably got confused with what smartphones and mobiles were originally intended to do.

Whatever may have been their line of thought, it did not seem to have fulfilled the rightful purpose. However, it did give birth to a new generation of phones, Phablets. Some people complain about the tediousness it has brought along with it as they have to hold it with both hands for smallest of task like calling. But there is also a category of people who find it more engaging because of user friendliness big screens bring with them. They appreciate the improved interaction of visual content. Neither are the former ones old fashioned, nor do the latter one have an edge over technological advancement. It’s merely a question of choice.

In today’s time, banking, socializing, knowledge sharing can be done through mobile, irrespective of their screen size. These gigantic phones have their own pros and cons. One’s preference for a mobile must first be weighed upon the requirements of the user. Whoever may win the argument, truth remains that big screen phones are only a measure of how small our world is becoming.