Wednesday 16 September 2015

SOS Button for Women Safety

Now the most of the people are using the mobile phones, so they do all kinds of process using the mobile phones instead of using computers so they enter the passwords and doing the works and storing lots of things in the mobile phones but the hackers are easily to trace the details. So they finance ministry introduce the concept for the SoS alert button. 

This button can helps more for the women when they are pressing the button it alerts the information to the police at the minimum possible time. So the proposals are approving the government under the Nirbhaya Fund.

About SOS Buttons:

This kind buttons to introduce in the mobile phones for safety purpose only when the women are getting the situation like that to use the button to pass the information to the police the button presented in the phone is “SoS Button”. It is widely used for decrypting the signals at the international Morse center for the distress the signal activities in earlier process. 

In 1999 they used as radio distress maritime signals, now they replaced the polices by the maritime global distress system for safety. And moreover, now also getting the huge responses as the signal distress as a visual manner. The button has no abbreviations it has some quiets only some are “save our soul” and many more are presented where all are related to SOS only. The main thing doing this button is distress the signal having the sequence the digits presented in three continuous manners. They are all running continuously without spacing the letters. The letter S is starting from the three digit format so it can be easily found out the signals. It has nine elemental codes of the Morse code signals, to make it identifies easily and more than 8 digits are no one can use it.

GPS Tracking Devices with SOS Function:

These devices are very much useful for tracing out the persons at present where you are rather than using the map formats. The GPS satellites are presented around the earth they can pick up the signals with coordinated details can provide it back. So they very much useful to women when they are going outside works at the time of problems she can find it easily with the help of signals. Using the SOS button on the mobile phone and make it some sync with the GPS devices so they use to find the information and sends to the corresponding destinations. 

The only safety for the women users as these kinds of methods only. This button utilizes the SIM card with the help of accessing the network to send the messages at the time of the emergency period. It including the text members which having the details present at the time to send the corresponding telephone numbers which you’re stored to send at that time. These facilities are presented at basic model mobiles also to use it. Using of it to well placed at that time has no network means they easily send the emergency message to the person you send.