Monday 11 January 2016

Technology for old people can they adapt easily?

There have been many new inventions in the field of technology in past twenty years. These inventions have changed all of the life in the world drastically. The inventions have their own sets of merits and demerits. Most of the inventions are good and have helped all of us improve our lifestyle for the better. Some technological advancement like nuclear technology and war devices are not always in the best interests of the people of the world. Sure it protects people and helps us one country overcome the other in the time of war, but it also promotes war and killing people. The advancement in technology has affected all of us in this world in some way or other. Many of the modern technology like Fans, Air conditioner and geyser are all designed specifically for a purpose and that is to make our life more comfortable.

The trouble is not everyone is immediately on board with new technology. When something new is introduced it always causes some amount of tension and ripple in the community. Change is seldom welcomed by all especially by the senior citizens who have been used to certain ways of lives. Most of the elders do not like a lot of new changes a technologically advancements happening in the world as it is new and alien to them. The fear and apprehension comes from the fact that it is always easier to adapt to a technology or a practice when someone is young but as we grow older we find it very difficult to adapt to change. Much new technological advancement has been ignored by elders as they find it difficult to reconcile with the new methods.

Mobile phones are a relatively new technology. They are a necessity for everyone in these current times. If you want to contact anyone mobile phones are the best option that one can have in this world. Mobile for old people is almost a mandatory necessity. As elders live away from their loved ones they often need to be contacted and they need to keep in touch with their loved ones and the option that they have is mobile phones. It is also important that mobile for old people have all the features that enable to help them during a situation of crisis. They have to have certain specific features designed specifically for them to help them cope with it better.